Kalanihale was established in this rural fishing village of Miloliʻi, South Kona in response to our community needs. The ʻōpio of Miloliʻi deserve access to quality educational programs and opportunities by which could also stimulate growth in their self confidence and overall health & well-being.
Na ke kaiāulu ka hānai keiki
Kalanihale response was to create youth programs and community projects, and has been doing so for more than 30 years, well before formally establishing itself in 2012. Since then, Kalanihale has navigated ʻōpio into new experiences outside of the Village with cultural exchange and sports activity programs.
I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope
Kalanihale took the reigns following Paʻa Pono Miloliʻi for the efforts of creating a rules package while working with the Department of Land and Natural Resources to complete the Miloliʻi Community-Based Subsistence Fishing Area. These rules are rooted from generational traditional and customary practices handed down from our kūpuna. On June 9th, 2022 the Board of Land and Natural Resources unanimously approved the rules package for Milolʻi CBSFA (already designated in 2005), and on August 2nd, Governor Ige came to Miloliʻi and promulgated the rules. Kalanihale, ʻohana of Miloliʻi, Division of Aquatic Resources, Conservation International - Hawaiʻi, Kuaʻāina Ulu ʻAuamo, the Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement, Kua O Ka Lā, and most importantly our kūpuna (seen and unseen) bore-witness to this momentous event.
Traditional knowledge from our kūpuna brought forth for the time that is here before us
Our mission is to improve the educational opportunities for our youth, mālama our environment, and sustain our cultural well-being.
Our vision is for Miloliʻi and Kapalilua to be a thriving Hawaiian fishing community, a healthy environment of abundant marine resources, and our families have a strong sense of place and identity, pride in their Hawaiian culture, and a healthy quality of life socially, economically, and culturally.
Our work is a reflection of who we are and what we represent – a hard-working resilient and thriving community! We commit to that vision, our people, and our ʻāina.